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Understanding Post Separation Abuse: Insights from the Purple Book and what you can do about it

Trigger Warning: Content includes discussion of Post Separation Abuse/ Domestic Violence and Suicide

Are you struggling to identify and address post-separation abuse? In this helpful episode, we discuss the various forms of abuse that can persist even after leaving an abusive relationship and what you can do about it. Using insights from the "Purple Book," Laura and Lynette (a family law expert) explore the patterns of coercive control, the legal and emotional challenges survivors face, and practical strategies for protection and recovery. Tune in to gain a deeper understanding and find support on your journey to freedom. (Please always see a lawyer for independent legal advice this is just an educational discussion not legal advice)

Listen to this Episode If You:

  • 🌟 Want to understand the different forms of post-separation abuse.
  • ❓ Are looking for strategies to document and address ongoing abuse.
  • 📚 Need insights into the "Purple Book" and its application.
  • 💡 Seek education on navigating the legal system while dealing with post-separation abuse.
  • 🛡 Are supporting someone through their journey of post-separation abuse.
  • 📝 Want to learn about tools and resources available for documenting abuse.

Key Ideas in this Episode:

  • 📘 Introduction to the "Purple Book" and its significance.
  • 🔄 Overview of the post-separation power and control wheel.
  • 🛡 Undermining parental abilities and its impact.
  • 🗣 Addressing harassment and intimidation tactics.
  • 📉 Strategies for dealing with false accusations and discrediting as a parent.
  • 💵 Withholding financial support as economic abuse.
  • 🚸 Impact of endangering and disregarding children.
  • 👩‍👧 Disrupting the mother-child relationship and emotional manipulation.
  • 👊 Recognizing and addressing physical and sexual violence.
  • 📝 Importance of documenting abuse and using tools like the ARC app.

Resources mentioned in this episode 

Episodes Mentioned to Listen to in this Episode:

Please note that this podcast provides general education only and is not legal advice. This is just one lawyer's opinion of the family court's views in Australia. Do not base your case on anything mentioned in this episode unless it is first discussed and approved by your personal lawyer. Always seek independent legal advice, as every situation is different. By listening to this show, you are agreeing that it and the company that runs it are not liable for the outcome of your case.


Useful Resources:

Click here for our free before you leave checklist 

Click here for our free mediation checklist

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Emergency Contacts:


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Please note that this podcast provides general education only and is not legal advice. Always seek independent legal advice, as every situation is different.

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