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Handling Co-Parent Disagreements: What You Need to Know About Parental Responsibility Post-Divorce in Australia


When you and your ex can't agree on major decisions for your children, it can feel like an insurmountable challenge. Our latest episode of "The Divorce Course Podcast" is here to help you understand your rights and responsibilities, offering practical advice to manage disagreements effectively.

Listen to This Episode If You:

🌟 Want to understand the concept of parental responsibility and how it impacts your legal rights as a parent.

❓ Are confused about the difference between joint, sole, and equal shared parental responsibility.

💡 Seek clarity on how recent family law act legal changes affect parental decision-making.

🛡 Are dealing with a manipulative, controlling, or high-conflict or narcissistic type co-parent.

📚 Need strategies for handling disagreements about major decisions for your children.

📝 Want to learn how to navigate court orders and legal terminology related to parenting.


Understanding Parental Responsibility

Parental responsibility refers to the legal rights and obligations that parents have concerning their children. This includes making decisions about their health, education, and overall welfare. Understanding what parental responsibility entails is crucial for navigating post-separation parenting successfully.

Key Changes in Legislation

As of May 2024, significant changes to the Family Law Act have been introduced. These changes impact how parental responsibility is managed and enforced. It’s essential to stay informed about these updates to ensure you’re acting in the best interests of your children and complying with the law.

Joint vs. Sole Parental Responsibility

One of the most confusing aspects of parental responsibility is understanding the difference between joint, sole, and equal shared responsibility. Joint responsibility means both parents share decision-making, whereas sole responsibility grants one parent the authority to make decisions independently. Knowing the implications of each can help you navigate your situation more effectively.

Decision-Making: Major Long-Term Issues vs. Day-to-Day Matters

Who makes decisions about major long-term issues versus day-to-day matters? This is a common question for separated parents. Major decisions typically involve education, health care, and religious upbringing, while day-to-day decisions might include daily routines and minor health issues. Clarifying these roles can prevent conflicts and misunderstandings.

Section 61DAB of the Family Law Act

Section 61DAB outlines the provision for day-to-day decision-making without the need for consultation on minor issues. Understanding this section can empower you to make necessary decisions swiftly and confidently. Read more about Section 61DAB of the Family Law Act

Real-Life Examples

In this episode, Laura and Lynette share real-life examples of disputes over education, medical decisions, and other critical areas. These stories provide valuable insights into how other parents have navigated similar challenges and can inspire you to handle your situation with confidence.

Co-Parenting Challenges

Dealing with an uncooperative or high-conflict ex-partner adds another layer of difficulty. This episode offers tips for managing these challenges and maintaining a focus on your children’s well-being. Strategies include effective communication, setting boundaries, and seeking professional mediation when necessary.

Recognizing and Addressing Post-Separation Abuse

Post-separation abuse, including coercive control, is a reality for many parents. Recognizing these behaviors and knowing how to address them is crucial for your safety and the well-being of your children. The podcast provides guidance on identifying and managing post-separation abuse.

Please note that this podcast provides general education only and is not legal advice. Always seek independent legal advice, as every situation is different.

 Key Ideas Discussed in This Episode:

  • Definition and Importance of Parental Responsibility: What it is and why it matters in the eyes of the court.
  • Changes in Legislation: How the new laws in the Family Law Act of Australia as of May 2024 impact parental responsibility.
  • Joint vs. Sole Parental Responsibility: Understanding the differences and implications.
  • Decision-Making: Which parent makes decisions about major long-term issues versus day-to-day matters.
  • Court Orders and Parental Responsibility: How to handle existing orders and apply for new ones.
  • Section 61DAB: Understanding the provision that outlines day-to-day decision-making without the need for consultation on minor issues. 
  • Real-Life Examples: Cases of disputes over education, medical decisions, and other critical areas.
  • Co-Parenting Challenges: Tips for dealing with uncooperative or high-conflict ex-partners.
  • Post-Separation Abuse: Recognizing and addressing coercive control in parenting situations.

Links & Resources Mentioned in the Podcast:

Section 61DAB of the Family Law Act

Remember, you are not alone, and there are resources and support systems available to help you through this challenging time. If you found this podcast helpful, please rate, review, and subscribe. Your feedback helps others find the support they need. Stay strong and take care.

Please note that this podcast provides general education only and is not legal advice. This is just one lawyer's opinion of the family court's views in Australia. Do not base your case on anything mentioned in this episode unless it is first discussed and approved by your personal lawyer. Always seek independent legal advice, as every situation is different. By listening to this show, you are agreeing that it and the company that runs it are not liable for the outcome of your case.

For Full Show Notes, go to

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Useful Resources:

Click here for our free before you leave checklist 

Click here for our free mediation checklist

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Emergency Contacts:

  • Lifeline 13 11 14
  • Mensline Australia 1300 789 978
  • Kids Help Line 1800 551 800
  • Aboriginal Family Domestic Violence Hotline 1800 019 123
  • Relationships Australia 
  • Police on 000
  • DVConnect Womensline on 1800 811 811 (24 hours, 7 days a week) Note: This number is not recorded on your phone bill
  • DV Connect Mensline on 1800 600 636
  • National DV line on 1800 737 732.
  • 1800RESPECT 1800 737 732
  • Please note that this podcast provides general education only and is not legal advice. Always seek independent legal advice, as every situation is different


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