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Overwhelmed by Divorce? 9 Tips to Regain Control

Legal & Emotional Wellness in Divorce

Are you finding your divorce an overwhelming experience? The emotional, financial, and legal aspects often leave you feeling lost and stressed. Here are some bite-sized actionable essential tips to help you regain control and manage the overwhelm. 

Please note that the content provided here is for educational purposes and not intended as legal advice. 

Tip 1: Take It One Step at a Time 

Divorce can often feel like an insurmountable mountain. The key is to break it down into manageable steps. Focus on one thing at a time to prevent the feeling of being overwhelmed.


Tip 2: Know Where You're Going 

Having a clear vision of your desired outcome is crucial. Know your goals and proposed orders, and avoid getting distracted by red herrings.


Tip 3: Be Proactive 

Don't wait for things to happen; take control of your situation. Reach out to professionals, ask questions, and gather information. Proactive behaviour can ease the feeling of helplessness.


Tip 4: Set Your Goals 

At the beginning of the process, have a clear picture of what you want to achieve. This may relate to property, parenting arrangements, or financial agreements. Having a sense of direction is key.


Tip 5: Get Your Head Out of the Sand

 Avoiding emails, legal documents, and financial discussions may be tempting, but it only prolongs your stress. It's essential to confront these challenges head-on.


Tip 6: Contain It to Once a Week 

Set aside a specific time each week to review legal correspondence and discuss your case. This prevents the constant stress of checking messages every day.


Tip 7: Write Yourself a Prescription

 Taking care of your mental health is vital. Dedicate time to self-care activities that help reduce stress and keep you mentally fit.


Tip 8: Make Sure Your Lawyer Is the Right Fit 

The relationship with your lawyer matters significantly. Ensure you are comfortable with your lawyer and can communicate effectively.


Tip 9: Always Have a Plan A or Plan B 

Having contingency plans for different scenarios can ease anxiety. If things don't go as expected, having a clear course of action in place is invaluable.


Divorce can be overwhelming, but these nine tips will help you regain control and manage stress more effectively. Remember that you are not alone, and there are resources available to support you on your divorce journey. When seeking legal advice, always consult with a qualified attorney who can provide guidance tailored to your specific circumstances. If you're interested in more in-depth insights on managing overwhelm during divorce, consider listening to our podcast episode. Click here to listen


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