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Four things you might not realise are coercive control and the questions to ask yourself to see if it is possibly happening to you.

Four things you might not realise are coercive control



Trigger Warning: This article discusses coercive control and domestic violence.

What you will learn in this episode

  • What are examples of non-physical forms of domestic violence?
  • What types of silent treatment are considered a part of coercive control?
  • What is the cycle of abuse?
  • Why some unspoken rules with your partner could be domestic violence.
  • What's wrong with hiding things from your family and friends that you were embarrassed about in your relationship.
  • Control of money and what might be domestic violence.
  • Tracking your expenses and giving you rules on how to spend it. 
  • Are there different rules for your partner with the joint money?
  • Money rules, what isn’t ok. 
  • Who owns the money in a marriage?
  • Questions to ask yourself to see if you are being financially controlled.
  • Are you budgeting or is it financial control?
  • Financial control what it might look like in your relationship?
  • The difference between privacy and financial control.
  • If they earn the money do you get a say in how it is spent?
  • Love bombing and what happens after
  • Narcissists and love bombing.
  • Are they checking in on you all the time for love or for control?
  • What happens when you go from a toxic coercive control relationship to a healthy relationship?
  • Why seeing a psychologist can help you not fall back into the same pattern. 
  • When the ex re partners
  • When you repartner too early. 
  • Moving yourself away from the same patterns 
  • Why patterns of these behaviours make you lose your identity.
  • How coercive control is a pattern
  • How the courts are becoming more aware of it
  • What you can do if this is happening to you
  • Do you need to tell your lawyer if you suspect you have been under a coercive control relationship
  • How confiding in a friend can help. 
  • What type of friend you should consider telling about coercive control or domestic violence in your relationship?
  • Defamation and how to be sure you don’t get in trouble with this. 
  • Why you should start safely writing the abuse down so you can remind yourself later.

You may have heard that DV is not just physical abuse. Just because they don’t hit you doesn’t mean you are not experiencing domestic or family violence. In this podcast episode we will talk about four things that you might not realise are DV that are flying under your radar. We discuss coercive control and where you should go for support if you are experiencing this. We also explore the questions you need to ask yourself to find out if you might be experiencing some types of non physical forms of domestic violence or coercive control. 

Trigger Warning: This article discusses coercive control and domestic violence.

Please note this is general education only. Please always seek independent legal advice as everyone’s situation is different. 

If this information is distressing for you or if you need support in regard to sexual assault, domestic or family violence you can call 1800 RESPECT 1800 737 732 for 24/7 phone and online services. If you, a child, or another person is in immediate danger, call 000. 

 Books mentioned

Reinventing Your Life: The Breakthrough Program to End Negative Behavior...and Feel Great Again  Aaron T. Beck ,  Jeffrey E. Young ,  Janet S. Klosko


Podcast Episodes that are related to this topic

Family Domestic Violence and How it impacts your case

Family Violence

Coercive Control in divorce and after separation

Coercive Control: how to help yourself or a friend

Stalking and Coercive Control

If you need emergency help you can also contact:

Make sure you hit SUBSCRIBE so you don’t miss out on the next practical steps and guide to your divorce or de facto separation coming soon. And, if you’ve found this episode helpful, please leave a rating and a review so it can help others. Thank you. 

Please note this is general advice only. Please always seek independent legal advice as everyone’s situation is different. 


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